“Silence is golden,” so the saying goes. I have come to
believe that is very true, part of that decision being my free opinion and part
of it coming from something that has been forced upon me. What has been forced
upon me is a gradual loss of hearing that has taken place over the last three
or four years. At first, that was an annoyance, an interference to conversation
and a drawback in getting information from meetings and such. That problem has
been lessened by hearing aids.
That leaves the portion that has been my decision. For about
six or seven years I have been without TV. The last year or so I’ve been
listening a lot less to the radio as well and for the last several months I’ve
listened to it hardly at all. I still have CD’s, DVD’s, and VCR’s and I make
use of them, borrowing, renting or buying them. I use the CD’s to play my two
favorite kinds of music—classical and folk. But I don’t know much about current
popular music. That’s kind of gone by the wayside.
The most common question I hear from other people is, “How
do you get your news?” I maintain that there isn’t much real news on TV. My
daily contact with the internet provides me with headlines and the opportunity
to delve deeper into something that interests me. Otherwise, really important
news finds its way to me by one means or another. And there are distinct
advantages in having no TV. I get a lot of writing and reading done. Curiously,
another common comment I get from people is one of agreement. Many people of
late have volunteered the information that they no longer find much of interest
on TV. Many also complain about the overabundance of commercials. Is there a
trend starting?
So far, I’m quite content with my TV-less world. And my
house is much quieter. If any of this sounds as if it has some interest for you,
why don’t you try it? Join the silence. You might like it.
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