Monday, July 23, 2012

This past Friday and Saturday, there was an arts and crafts event in Ligonier called Summer in Ligonier. Silverbear Graphics, my publisher, had a booth at the event and I, along with a number of other Silverbear authors and illustrators, spent a good deal of time there. It was good to be together to talk with each other and the crowd.

I was a bit apprehensive about being at the booth for a long period of time. A number of years ago I had a business of selling books, jewelry and crafts items at shows in the northeast and into the central US on weekends. I know how grueling such events can be. I am not as young as I was when I was doing such shows and I was unsure how this show would be for me. My fear was completely unfounded. I had a lot of fun as did everyone else.

In some ways this show was a debut, the first public appearance of Silverbear in Ligonier. Most people do not know that there is a book publisher in the Ligonier area and are surprised to find that out. It will not be the last such appearance and perhaps a more permanent form of presence in the town of Ligonier is coming. Silverbear is now located in Stahlstown, which is located about eight miles from Ligonier, but Maggie Robinson, the owner of Silverbear, has plans for having an office for Silverbear in Ligonier within a year.

I will be very glad to see such a thing happen. The arts have been a second rate activity in this society for a long time. It is refreshing to see a group of people for whom writing, illustrating and publishing are vital endeavors join in a cooperative effort in making them happen. A greater and more permanent part in the life of Ligonier will be good for Silverbear and good for Ligonier.

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