The first thing that anyone sees when he or she sits down to
write is a Blank Page. It may be on a computer screen, a fresh, yellow legal
pad or the final pages of a worn journal. It doesn’t matter. It is still a
blank page and that can be a terrifying thing. There are no guidelines, no map.
Where does one start? It is true that the great expanse of white can be
exhilarating—there are no restrictions and the possibility that the creation of
wondrous and inspiring compositions lie hidden on the page, but that in itself
can be intimidating. I once had an art instructor who said that in a blank
canvas there is 100% potential. Put one mark on that surface and you have
decreased the potential by fifty percent. That thought can put a crimp in your
At its worst, the Blank Page can bring on the other dreaded
nemesis—Writer’s Block. I can’t say that I am habitually troubled by that
malady but there have been times that the words have been slow in coming. And
there are times when I’ve tried some roundabout ways to bring inspiration: deep
thought, meditation, prayer—tea. Sometimes one thing works, sometimes another.
That reminds me of a time many years ago when I heard a springtime talk by a
member of the PA Game Commission. The subject was the effectiveness of folk
remedies for garden pests. The remedies are numerous and inventive—pepper,
garlic, beer. The question was, “Do they work?” The speaker gave the following
opinion, which impressed me and I state here as best I can remember it: “You
must be aware that each animal is an individual and one individual does not
like and dislike the same things as another. Sometimes one thing works and
sometimes something else. If you’re bothered by a critter and try one of the
remedies and it works, don’t question it. Just use it.”
Stories and poems are much like the critters. Sometimes one
thing draws them to the page, sometimes another. I have not found a foolproof
way of attracting them with any consistency. At times I find that in order to
write I must simply begin writing. I make a joke of it by saying that if you
have writer’s block then write about having writer’s block. It’s really not a
joke. That’s a fascinating subject. What is writer’s block? What does it feel
like to have it? What do you do about it? Does that work? That could be a very
interesting and funny piece—or tragic if you are so inclined and are totally
serious about it. And maybe that’s one of the secrets—DON’T be too serious
about it. Writing should be enjoyable—fun.
One of the best things that I have found is to not try to
work on my schedule but to listen to the Muse when she speaks. Sometimes that
is in the middle of the night. I keep a pad and pen in my bedside table and
when ideas come, in dreams or in the moments that occur between sleep and wakefulness,
I jot them down. Those notes, sketchy as they sometimes are, can later be the
start of many pages of text.
So there isn’t any formula, any standard method of
approaching the Blank Page. The best thing to do is simply to write. Don’t be
scared. Don’t worry about it. Just write—about anything. Every subject is
fascinating—if you allow it to be.
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